G-Wizard Editor Lite FAQ

What is G-Wizard Editor Lite?

If your subscription to G-Wizard Editor runs out, it doesn't quit working, it just turns off some of the features until you renew:

Feature Full Lite
Gcode Editing Y Y
Toolpath Backplotting Y Y
Hint explains Gcode in Plain English Y Y
Comprehensive Gcode Error Checking Y Y
Conversational CNC Wizards Y Y
Post to Customize for Your Gcode Dialect Y Y
Powerful Gcode Simulator/Debugger Y Y
Support CNC Mills, Routers, and Lathes Y Y
File Menu
    Export Hints Y
    Print Gcode   Y
    Compare Files Y
Edit Menu
    Jump Y
Insert Menu Y
Simulator Menu
    Options Y
Tool Menu
    Options Y
    Revisions Y
Backplot Menu
    Options Y
Hint Tab Y
Error Tab Y
Tool Tab Y
Macros Tab Y
Info Tab Y
Gcode Macros Y
4th Axis Support Y

As you can see, GWE Lite is still a powerful GCode Editor and Simulator, and you get to keep that value for life along with all upgrades and full tech support. GWELite is perfect for educators, hobbyists, and infrequent GCode users.

If you need to gain back the full power features at any time, just renew your subscription.